Operations Warpspeed unter Trump war der Rahmen für die Entwicklung und Distribution von den Injektionen. Ein neues Modell, ein neuer Rahmen von Industrieentwicklung.
Operation Warp Speed (OWS) was a U.S. government-led program to accelerate the development, production, and administration of COVID-19 vaccines. The program cut the typical …
Operations Warpspeed unter Trump war der Rahmen für die Entwicklung und Distribution von den Injektionen. Ein neues Modell, ein neuer Rahmen von Industrieentwicklung.
Operation Warp Speed (OWS) was a U.S. government-led program to accelerate the development, production, and administration of COVID-19 vaccines. The program cut the typical ten-year timeline needed to develop a new vaccine down to ten months and began vaccinating vulnerable populations within a year after launch. OWS’s success has led to calls for a similar mission model to accelerate innovations addressing other pressing social needs, including a cure for Alzheimer’s disease or atmospheric-carbon removal to combat global warming. We provide a framework to understand which innovations call for a mission approach and apply economic principles to identify key design features that contributed to the success of OWS. https://www.nber.org/papers/w32831
Es ist dual-use Forschung, bei der zivile und militärische Ziele gleichzeitig beforscht werden. Das Modell von DARPA, BARDA, ARPA-H, ...
Macron wirbt seit Jahren dafür, dieses Modell in Europa einzuführen. Ein demokratisches, souveränes Europa würde es nur mit der Einführung eines DARPA-ähnlichen Modell in Europa geben.
A sovereign Europe
The six keys to European sovereignty
1. A Europe that guarantees security in all its aspects
In terms of defence, Europe must have a joint intervention force, a joint defence budget and a joint doctrine for action. We need to encourage the swift creation of a European Defence Fund, permanent structured cooperation, and supplement them with a European intervention initiative that better integrates our armed forces at all stages.
In the fight against terrorism, Europe must bring our intelligence capabilities closer by creating a European intelligence academy.
Security must be guaranteed, together, in all its aspects: Europe must have a joint civil protection force.
2. A Europe that addresses the migration challenge
We must create a common area of borders, asylum and migrations, to effectively control our borders, welcome refugees with dignity, integrate them fully and swiftly send those who are not eligible for asylum back to their home countries.
We must create a European Asylum Office, which accelerates and streamlines our procedures; set up interconnected files and secure biometric identification documents; gradually establish European border police that ensure rigorous management of borders and the return of those who cannot stay; and fund a vast European training and integration programme for refugees.
3. A Europe that looks towards Africa and the Mediterranean
Europe must have a foreign policy that focuses on certain priorities: first of all, the Mediterranean region and Africa.
It must develop a new partnership with Africa, based on education, health, and the energy transition.
4. An exemplary Europe regarding sustainable development
Europe must take the lead in an efficient and equitable ecological transition.
It must encourage investments in this transition (transport, housing, industry, agriculture, etc.) by setting a fair price for carbon: a minimum, meaningful price within its borders; and a European carbon tax at its borders to ensure equity between its producers and their competitors.
Europe must set up an industry programme to support clean vehicles and the necessary infrastructures (charging stations, etc.).
It must guarantee its food sovereignty, by reforming the common agricultural policy and by setting up a joint monitoring body that ensures food security for Europeans.
5. A Europe of innovation and regulation adapted to the digital world
Europe must lead rather than undergo this transformation, by promoting its model within globalization, a model combining innovation and regulation.
It must have an agency for breakthrough innovation, jointly financing new research fields, such as artificial intelligence, or unexplored fields.
It must guarantee equity and trust in the digital transformation, by reviewing its fiscal systems (taxing digital technology corporations) and by regulating the major platforms.
6. A Europe standing as an economic and monetary power
We must make the euro area the heart of Europe's economic power in the world.
In addition to national reforms, it must be equipped with instruments that will make it an area of growth and stability, in particular a budget that finances shared investments and will guarantee stabilization against economic shocks.
A united Europe
1. Tangible solidarity through social and fiscal convergence
We must encourage convergence within the entire EU by setting criteria that gradually bring our social and fiscal models closer together. Compliance with these criteria must be a condition for access to European solidarity funds.
On the fiscal level, we need to establish a corporate tax corridor; at the social level, we must ensure everyone has a minimum wage that is tailored to the economic reality of each country, and regulate competition through levels of social contributions.
2. The bond of culture and knowledge
Creating a feeling of belonging is the cement that holds Europe together.
We must strengthen exchanges, so that each young European will have spent at least six months in another European country (50% of a class graduating in 2024), and that each student speaks two European languages by 2024.
We must create European universities, networks of universities which allow students to study abroad and follow classes in at least two languages. In high school, we must set up a streamlining or mutual recognition process for secondary education diplomas (just like in higher education).
A democratic Europe
The new Europe will not be built behind closed doors, but by including its peoples, from the beginning, in this roadmap.
The need for debate: democratic conventions
For six months, national and local debates, based on European topics, will be held in 2018 in all interested EU countries.
Strengthening the European Parliament: transnational lists
Starting in 2019, using the quota of vacated British MEP seats, we must create transnational lists that allow Europeans to vote for a consistent common project.
A DARPA-like agency could boost EU innovation — but cannot come at the expense of existing schemes
If Europe wants to create a high-risk, high-reward research body, it needs grass-roots backing.
It’s a model that many are copying. In the United States, the original DARPA, established in 1958, is now joined by ARPAs for technologies in health (ARPA-H, established in 2022) and energy (ARPA-E, created in 2009). Germany’s version, SPRIN-D, focuses on innovative projects not related to national defence. Japan has a Moonshot Research and Development Program. The United Kingdom set up a non-military Advanced Research and Innovation Agency last year.
These efforts have largely come from policymakers. To get traction in the complicated process of EU politics, a DARPA-like organization would need member states to support it. That, in turn, would need a senior science official to champion it, along with a campaign by researchers and their representative organizations. There’s little sign of either. If anything, scientists are worried about existing EU research budgets and would not want to see these cut to accommodate a new agency.
‘Open for business’: risk-taking US health agency ready to spend $2.5-billion budget
This week, ahead of June’s elections to the European Parliament, a consortium of organizations launched Research Matters, a campaign to protect Europe’s future funding schemes from cuts. Already, the EU’s Horizon Europe research budget is being cut by €2.1 billion (US$2.3 billion), partly to make way for a €1.5-billion boost in defence-research spending. If it is to be funded on the US scale, an EU DARPA would need to receive a further roughly €750 million annually (around 0.75% of Horizon Europe’s budget).
Operations Warpspeed unter Trump war der Rahmen für die Entwicklung und Distribution von den Injektionen. Ein neues Modell, ein neuer Rahmen von Industrieentwicklung.
Operation Warp Speed (OWS) was a U.S. government-led program to accelerate the development, production, and administration of COVID-19 vaccines. The program cut the typical ten-year timeline needed to develop a new vaccine down to ten months and began vaccinating vulnerable populations within a year after launch. OWS’s success has led to calls for a similar mission model to accelerate innovations addressing other pressing social needs, including a cure for Alzheimer’s disease or atmospheric-carbon removal to combat global warming. We provide a framework to understand which innovations call for a mission approach and apply economic principles to identify key design features that contributed to the success of OWS. https://www.nber.org/papers/w32831
Es ist dual-use Forschung, bei der zivile und militärische Ziele gleichzeitig beforscht werden. Das Modell von DARPA, BARDA, ARPA-H, ...
Macron wirbt seit Jahren dafür, dieses Modell in Europa einzuführen. Ein demokratisches, souveränes Europa würde es nur mit der Einführung eines DARPA-ähnlichen Modell in Europa geben.
A sovereign Europe
The six keys to European sovereignty
1. A Europe that guarantees security in all its aspects
In terms of defence, Europe must have a joint intervention force, a joint defence budget and a joint doctrine for action. We need to encourage the swift creation of a European Defence Fund, permanent structured cooperation, and supplement them with a European intervention initiative that better integrates our armed forces at all stages.
In the fight against terrorism, Europe must bring our intelligence capabilities closer by creating a European intelligence academy.
Security must be guaranteed, together, in all its aspects: Europe must have a joint civil protection force.
2. A Europe that addresses the migration challenge
We must create a common area of borders, asylum and migrations, to effectively control our borders, welcome refugees with dignity, integrate them fully and swiftly send those who are not eligible for asylum back to their home countries.
We must create a European Asylum Office, which accelerates and streamlines our procedures; set up interconnected files and secure biometric identification documents; gradually establish European border police that ensure rigorous management of borders and the return of those who cannot stay; and fund a vast European training and integration programme for refugees.
3. A Europe that looks towards Africa and the Mediterranean
Europe must have a foreign policy that focuses on certain priorities: first of all, the Mediterranean region and Africa.
It must develop a new partnership with Africa, based on education, health, and the energy transition.
4. An exemplary Europe regarding sustainable development
Europe must take the lead in an efficient and equitable ecological transition.
It must encourage investments in this transition (transport, housing, industry, agriculture, etc.) by setting a fair price for carbon: a minimum, meaningful price within its borders; and a European carbon tax at its borders to ensure equity between its producers and their competitors.
Europe must set up an industry programme to support clean vehicles and the necessary infrastructures (charging stations, etc.).
It must guarantee its food sovereignty, by reforming the common agricultural policy and by setting up a joint monitoring body that ensures food security for Europeans.
5. A Europe of innovation and regulation adapted to the digital world
Europe must lead rather than undergo this transformation, by promoting its model within globalization, a model combining innovation and regulation.
It must have an agency for breakthrough innovation, jointly financing new research fields, such as artificial intelligence, or unexplored fields.
It must guarantee equity and trust in the digital transformation, by reviewing its fiscal systems (taxing digital technology corporations) and by regulating the major platforms.
6. A Europe standing as an economic and monetary power
We must make the euro area the heart of Europe's economic power in the world.
In addition to national reforms, it must be equipped with instruments that will make it an area of growth and stability, in particular a budget that finances shared investments and will guarantee stabilization against economic shocks.
A united Europe
1. Tangible solidarity through social and fiscal convergence
We must encourage convergence within the entire EU by setting criteria that gradually bring our social and fiscal models closer together. Compliance with these criteria must be a condition for access to European solidarity funds.
On the fiscal level, we need to establish a corporate tax corridor; at the social level, we must ensure everyone has a minimum wage that is tailored to the economic reality of each country, and regulate competition through levels of social contributions.
2. The bond of culture and knowledge
Creating a feeling of belonging is the cement that holds Europe together.
We must strengthen exchanges, so that each young European will have spent at least six months in another European country (50% of a class graduating in 2024), and that each student speaks two European languages by 2024.
We must create European universities, networks of universities which allow students to study abroad and follow classes in at least two languages. In high school, we must set up a streamlining or mutual recognition process for secondary education diplomas (just like in higher education).
A democratic Europe
The new Europe will not be built behind closed doors, but by including its peoples, from the beginning, in this roadmap.
The need for debate: democratic conventions
For six months, national and local debates, based on European topics, will be held in 2018 in all interested EU countries.
Strengthening the European Parliament: transnational lists
Starting in 2019, using the quota of vacated British MEP seats, we must create transnational lists that allow Europeans to vote for a consistent common project.
14 May 2024
A DARPA-like agency could boost EU innovation — but cannot come at the expense of existing schemes
If Europe wants to create a high-risk, high-reward research body, it needs grass-roots backing.
It’s a model that many are copying. In the United States, the original DARPA, established in 1958, is now joined by ARPAs for technologies in health (ARPA-H, established in 2022) and energy (ARPA-E, created in 2009). Germany’s version, SPRIN-D, focuses on innovative projects not related to national defence. Japan has a Moonshot Research and Development Program. The United Kingdom set up a non-military Advanced Research and Innovation Agency last year.
These efforts have largely come from policymakers. To get traction in the complicated process of EU politics, a DARPA-like organization would need member states to support it. That, in turn, would need a senior science official to champion it, along with a campaign by researchers and their representative organizations. There’s little sign of either. If anything, scientists are worried about existing EU research budgets and would not want to see these cut to accommodate a new agency.
‘Open for business’: risk-taking US health agency ready to spend $2.5-billion budget
This week, ahead of June’s elections to the European Parliament, a consortium of organizations launched Research Matters, a campaign to protect Europe’s future funding schemes from cuts. Already, the EU’s Horizon Europe research budget is being cut by €2.1 billion (US$2.3 billion), partly to make way for a €1.5-billion boost in defence-research spending. If it is to be funded on the US scale, an EU DARPA would need to receive a further roughly €750 million annually (around 0.75% of Horizon Europe’s budget).