Ich frag mich bei all dem nur langsam wie wir den ganzen Dreck den diese Idioten in die Welt blasen je wieder loswerden sollen. Es ist doch schon schwer genug im Moment schwachsinnige Studien und wertlose da erfundene wissenschaftlich Abhandlungen zu entfernen. Mal ganz abgesehn von den ganzen Stoffen die die ja in Zukunft noch fröhlich an den Mann/die Frau bringen wollen...

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A consultant used by a "fact-checker" to try to get our paper pulled cited this study as co-author, which is amusing and hypocritical, but quite correct:

M1U, a FOIA request, multiple COIs, why saRNAs are DOA, and a big GFY from the FCC...

"Nevertheless, the use of pDNA has some drawbacks like, e.g., the theoretical risk of genomic integration and oncogenic mutagenesis; the presence of antibiotic-resistance genes; and the fact that, for certain therapeutic proteins, an uncontrolled expression during several months is not warranted."

From “Expression Kinetics and Innate Immune Response after Electroporation and LNP-Mediated Delivery of a Self-Amplifying mRNA in the Skin” (2019) by Huysmans et al.:


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