Yes, glycosolation is HUGE. NO assessment of glycan binding sites were ever provided. Supposedly, for that famous western blot, Pfizer said the size was bigger because of glycosolation, but smarter people than I said the WB was bigger than if every site was occupied by a sugar.

Spike protein is not very toxic unless it is glycosolated or has endotoxin on it


Also, that is why I am on berberine. Everyone needs to be eating a ketogenic type diet and be taking metformin or berberine.

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Glycosylation of the spike is another additional problem. Does glycosylation influence the binding of the protein to sialic acid? Not much data on that. How a glycosylation patterns coded in the RNA? Is it a biochemical process? I don't know anything about that.

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I thought sialic acid was part of the glycans on proteins?

THe spike protein has sites for glycans, but they are not code for specifically. The sugars attach at post translational modifications in the ER I think.


Sialic sites (part of a glycan) are a critical quality attribute for monoclonal antibody production for example. They have to show where the sugars will bind wont cause immune escape or toxicity. https://www.ludger.com/docs/posters/ludger-wcbp-2018-sialylation-poster.pdf

So can you imagine? No one has done the work to see what glycosolation occurs with the vaccinal spike protein. It is crucial. Might explain variants and much toxicity. How can you measure glycosolation for a biologic making another one in vitro? I looked into this at the beginning but like many things it has been glossed over. Thank you for bringing much needed attention to this issue.

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i mean measuring in vivo. Let alone in vitro.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Author

" A final class of functions is ‘molecular mimicry’, in which successful microbial pathogens decorate themselves with sialic acids, assisting in evasion of host immunity" https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18606570/

But pathogens do this to mimic the cell surface which is decorated with sialic acids.

The question is, if a pathogen which uses sialic acids to evade the immune system gets more immunogenic if produced without this coating. This might be the case for the spike. Again a reason not to use it especially without coating.

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Absolutely. Geert VDB always talks about this.

Worse, there is no way to predict where the sialic acids attach for the spike protein made by the vax since the spike protein is made in vivo, is subject to frameshifting and other effects. And no one has looked.

Thanks again.

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At the point it became clear that the spike-protein binds to SA the jab had to be stopped.

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Thanks! This circles us back to the S1-NTD-Gal3-IgG4 axis. Neuropathology is another risk, and you will see amyloid beta aggregation discussed:

Sialylation and Galectin-3 in Microglia-Mediated Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration

"... Activated microglia also release galectin-3 (Gal-3), which: (i) further activates microglia via binding to TLR4 and TREM2, (ii) binds to desialylated neurons opsonizing them for phagocytosis via Mer tyrosine kinase, and (iii) promotes Aβ aggregation and toxicity in vivo. Gal-3 and desialylation may increase in a variety of brain pathologies. Thus, Gal-3 and sialidases are potential treatment targets to prevent neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration."


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Yes, glycosolation is HUGE. NO assessment of glycan binding sites were ever provided. Supposedly, for that famous western blot, Pfizer said the size was bigger because of glycosolation, but smarter people than I said the WB was bigger than if every site was occupied by a sugar.

Spike protein is not very toxic unless it is glycosolated or has endotoxin on it


Also, that is why I am on berberine. Everyone needs to be eating a ketogenic type diet and be taking metformin or berberine.

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s. Datum Ersterscheinung: Das Attentat: Kein Fall für Carl Brun https://amzn.eu/d/00In5ytH

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Und da war doch dieser in der Schweiz lebende Germanist. Der 2019/20 der die klinische Realität des Marburgfiebers (Enkel töten ihre Omas) in das Narrativ covider Erkältungen übersetzen musste. Kümmert sich jemand um diesen stillen Helden der neueren Geschichte?

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