How many billions of doses have been given by now? And I keep coming back to the fact that the SAGE group of the WHO told the world in June 2021 in order to get 100% protection from severe disease and hospitalization, all you needed was a COVID19 vaccine based on "old" tech.


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Wie viele Ihrer Leser wissen, dass Endotoxin Lipid A das von BioNTech Pfizer bevorzugte „Adjuvans“ ist, wie es in ihren Patenten steht?

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None I would guess. Also too much information for judges and lawyers.

Furthermore a patent for an adjuvans that is not used in this context is no proof for anything.

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Do any of these people appear in German Court cases?

Marjoh NAUTA, Dirk Jozef Peeters, Tom Frank Steven VAN DOORSLAER, Advait Vijay Badkar, Ramin Darvari, Nicholas William Warne, James JEAN, Danny Pierre G. HENDRIKSE, Ugur Sahin, Alptekin GÜLER, Andreas Kuhn, Alexander Muik, Annette VOGEL, Kerstin Walzer, Sonja Witzel, Stephanie HEIN, Özlem TÜRECI. 2020. Coronavirus vaccine. WO2021213945A1. https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2021213945A1/en

In 2014 the BioNTech founders told us that Endotoxin would always be in their mRNA products. They had an internal acceptable limit of 12.5 EU/ml

They had to correct a False Statement to the EMA claiming Endotoxin was "Controlled" to make it clear that levels are only "Monitored" using the LAL assay which is known to give False Low results due to interference by numerous Covid19 jab ingredients, including the LNPs.

A number of jabs have been withdrawn because of side effects.




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No. Lawyers I know tried to get Ugur Sahin, but he refused using the help of his lawyers. I would have been the one who would have asked him nasty questions about protein engineering and the science stuff on my substack.

Imprtant ist also Klaus Cichutek. He is really improtant and the PEI boss. Basically the German Fauci. https://www.pei.de/DE/forschung/publikationen/functions/a-d/pub-cichutek-k-node.html

The 12.5 EU/ml level is way below childhood vaccine acceptance levels although a partner of BioNTech Rentschler got a problem with the FDA due to the missing endotoxin tests: https://www.fiercepharma.com/manufacturing/rentschler-slapped-form-483-citing-lax-manufacturing-procedures

I know that many jabs have been withdrawn, there are even publications about it: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK561254/table/T4/

This is all so crazy.

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