Drosten is very friendly with Patrick Vallance, new Science Minister of UK.
If you have information missing in the upcoming chapters, feel free to comment and add. We can now collect the data on Dr. D based on his book. This will be fun.
clown world times 2
You have more literary freedom if you are writing fiction, parody or a science fiction piece ;-)
Yea, but how to communicate the data in that?
Reviews and cliff notes have been my passion for years.
Maybe, if all the data is availeble at some point in time, I'll write a historical crime novel about this time with LOTS of Endnotes.
are there people who will buy his book? and even if there are, do you think they might read it?
Yes the buy it and they read it https://www.amazon.de/Alles-%C3%BCberstanden-%C3%BCberf%C3%A4lliges-einzigartigen-Einblicken/dp/3550203020/
OMG only 20 left In stock (but more on the way) LOLOL. This is awful. this man still has believers... some people will never learn.
That's also because the people who know what's really going on now read the literature of the enemy and not only his fans.
There are a lot of one star reviews from our side.
I wish you and our side a lot of courage and strength, and may be something to help in case of a bad stomach LOL. Thank you for the update Dr Bine
Drosten is very friendly with Patrick Vallance, new Science Minister of UK.
If you have information missing in the upcoming chapters, feel free to comment and add. We can now collect the data on Dr. D based on his book. This will be fun.
clown world times 2
You have more literary freedom if you are writing fiction, parody or a science fiction piece ;-)
Yea, but how to communicate the data in that?
Reviews and cliff notes have been my passion for years.
Maybe, if all the data is availeble at some point in time, I'll write a historical crime novel about this time with LOTS of Endnotes.
are there people who will buy his book? and even if there are, do you think they might read it?
Yes the buy it and they read it https://www.amazon.de/Alles-%C3%BCberstanden-%C3%BCberf%C3%A4lliges-einzigartigen-Einblicken/dp/3550203020/
OMG only 20 left In stock (but more on the way) LOLOL. This is awful. this man still has believers... some people will never learn.
That's also because the people who know what's really going on now read the literature of the enemy and not only his fans.
There are a lot of one star reviews from our side.
I wish you and our side a lot of courage and strength, and may be something to help in case of a bad stomach LOL. Thank you for the update Dr Bine