I made a probe of translation for the videos. Please forgive the mistakes, I am not a chemist !Dr Tobias Unruh presents himselfMy name is Tobias and I love numbers. Small numbers, large numbers, short and long numbers. And very precise numbers.I compose Comparisons and Formulas with which you can check Theories and see if they are right. If they do more numbers come out, on which you can rely.Since shortly I have some doubt and that scares me. You should get basic rights back when the doubling time is more than 10 days. Then with a value of 35, not yet.The R-value must then be under 1. then the 7 day incidence under 50 , or under 100, or under 10 ?And these values come from us, from scientists. And that scares me.Dear government, stop the number chaos and fix a number. then I will feel safe again. Close the schools and universities forever and then no one will contradict you. That gives security. And you people, follow the instructions of the government.Thanks.
Part 1 (which is the third video)In this video we will look at the new corona vaccines, and what they have to do with soap. The vaccines are based on the modRNA system, which delivers the message, and this modRNA is packed inside lipid nanoparticles. Recently we have come to know how these molecules are built, through the research of prof Tobias Unruh from the Erlangen University Nuernberg. There is a link underneath the videoSo what did they find? I tried to sketch the rough structure of the molecule - there is a center, nucleus, that we have to imagine not as being hard, solid, but more like an oil drop, with different ingredients that we will see later. The nucleus has a diameter of 40 nanometer. Here it says LNP lipid nanoparticle center. Different methods (small angle X-ray scattering e.a.)make it possible to find a shell of about 2 nanometer and a further shell of about 4 nanometer. The 2 nanometer shell is free of water and is lipophyl - oil loving and water resistant. The reason for this are these hydrocarbon chains which is also typical for soaps. A classic soap is a long chain of hydrocarbon with a carboxylic acid group which acts like an ester here. We hydrolyze this and then the Sodium salt of this, is a classic soap.With the letters DSCP a molecule with a very polar head group and very un-polar rest chain. This reacts very well with water (hydrophyl). As a total the molecule is neutral but we do have 2 ionen and one cation, Ammonium cation and a phosphate anion. The chains like tolayer and like with other soaps we have here head groups that interact with water. Water will stay away from this lower part, but is very receptive of the top part. DSCP and ALC0159 could be used as tenside, wash active bond, they would be too expensive, they are a bit more complex. We can thus imagine, with here the DSCP and here the ALC0159 which want to layer with their long chains ; inbetween there are these (steroid) better known as cholesterol, in fact cholesterine, and these 3 molecules form the 2 nanometer shell. They are in contact with the inside, the oil drop, containing the mRNA, ALC315 and cholesterol. The ALC0159 has here on the side a very long side chain, here is NN=45 (oxygen and 2 CH2 groups) appears about 50 times so, very long, and in contact with water, which means it can make water bridges - this is a polyethylen glycol side chain with a thickness of 4 nanometer. What now with that soap? When you clean oil with soap, you will also have a central oily part, and then the lipophyle side chains, and on the outside the water-loving part, which makes the soap water soluble. How many molecules do we have here?In the center we have the modified RNA at a rate of 30 microgramALC315 430 microgramfrom the amount you can tell that this is the most important molecule190 microgram cholesteroland although only on the outside, ALC0159 50 microgramDSCP phospholipid 90 microgramVery interesting is that the ALC315 is the only agent that really wraps around the modRNA What the interaction is between all these ingredients we will see in part 2 We have water on the outside, then a layer of water-free and also the inside is almost completely water-free. Except for the water molecule in the polar MRNA The interacting in the molecule mix we will see in next video.
Part 2in this second part of the chemistry of medicines we discuss again the new developed anti-covid products based on modRNA technics. In the first part we saw the rough structure of the nano particles which make up the larger part of the vaccines. We know the detail from the work of prof Tobias. so what have we seen in the former hour - we have a nucleus (Kern, center) nano particle from about 40 nanometer, maybe a bit larger. Inside is the modRNA, carrying the genetic information and this modRNA is packed in a molecule ALC315. There is also some cholesterol. We should imagine this center according to prof Unru as being fluid. We have an inside shell, 2 nanometer, lipophile, and an outside shell, 4 nanometer in diameter, hydrophile. Which molecules are responsible for these shells was also discussed in a former video. Now we will look at the molecular interactions with the modRNA. We have an RNA molecule - a very long chain with phosphate groups lined up on the nucleotide. Hier are the 4 classic nucleotide but with the modified RNA comes here another nucleotide namely the nmethyl pseudouridin (for this addition the nobel prize was given) it changes the characteristics. It changes the stability. This will also be caused by the fact that normally we have here a Hydrolyse sensitive No Acetal but here it is a clean ETgroup which is of course more stable.The length of the string is about 4500 nucleotide. This very long string can fold up because of the interaction between the molecules, hydrogen bonds. De molecule also carries always some Hydratwater. How can this now fit into this lipophile center? for this the ALC315 is responsible. This is describes as a cationish lipid (which it is not, but it is very little short of being a cationish lipid and we could easily make it that)The tertiair amine here at this spot should only be protonized. Then we get an Ammoniumsalt and when we get the water out we have Ammonium Hydroxid.We can compare this molecule with an octopus - in the center is the tertiair amin, then the ammonium salt, which will bind electrostatically to the phosphate groupsof the backbone of the molecule, and here a relative strong hydrogene re-bond. Here we have a tentacle with a OH group, which is also polar and can re-bond with H. and will associate with one of the polar groups here. Further we have also Ester functions on the longer pieces of the 'tentacle' ; these are dipole, hydrogen bonds acceptors and they will orientate them along the polar groups.So here is the octopus - the snout bites into the phosphate backbone, the polar groups act like suction cups on the T tentacles, not as strong as the NH bridge,but they still will hook themselves reversible somewhere. Then we still have these lipophile pieces on the tentacles, which should really not be this close to the polar groups. They should go towards the outside. Now imagine how many of these ALC315 molecules are available, 430 microgram of ALC315 and only 30 of the modRNA, so everywhere these molecules associate and cover the modRNA with their lipophile tentacles outwards - so inside hydrophyl and outside lipophyl. This fits with the lipophyle cholesterol which sits in the center of the molecule also.to recap - the modRNA enclosed in the outwards oriented lipophyle ALC315, the inside shell which is outwards hydrophyl and inwards lipophyl and this whole system is then water soluble.thanks for watching
The first Video was a satirical project of scientists. They wanted to show how idiotic the measures were. Nobody listened. They were just ignored. To understand satire and ironie you need a certain degree of intelligence.
So he tried from the beginning, to stop that in the ways that were open to him.
looks like a total mess. Not a chemist, but your summary of the articles does not sound good for all those injected with these unknown products. Thank you for sharing
I made a probe of translation for the videos. Please forgive the mistakes, I am not a chemist !Dr Tobias Unruh presents himselfMy name is Tobias and I love numbers. Small numbers, large numbers, short and long numbers. And very precise numbers.I compose Comparisons and Formulas with which you can check Theories and see if they are right. If they do more numbers come out, on which you can rely.Since shortly I have some doubt and that scares me. You should get basic rights back when the doubling time is more than 10 days. Then with a value of 35, not yet.The R-value must then be under 1. then the 7 day incidence under 50 , or under 100, or under 10 ?And these values come from us, from scientists. And that scares me.Dear government, stop the number chaos and fix a number. then I will feel safe again. Close the schools and universities forever and then no one will contradict you. That gives security. And you people, follow the instructions of the government.Thanks.
Part 1 (which is the third video)In this video we will look at the new corona vaccines, and what they have to do with soap. The vaccines are based on the modRNA system, which delivers the message, and this modRNA is packed inside lipid nanoparticles. Recently we have come to know how these molecules are built, through the research of prof Tobias Unruh from the Erlangen University Nuernberg. There is a link underneath the videoSo what did they find? I tried to sketch the rough structure of the molecule - there is a center, nucleus, that we have to imagine not as being hard, solid, but more like an oil drop, with different ingredients that we will see later. The nucleus has a diameter of 40 nanometer. Here it says LNP lipid nanoparticle center. Different methods (small angle X-ray scattering e.a.)make it possible to find a shell of about 2 nanometer and a further shell of about 4 nanometer. The 2 nanometer shell is free of water and is lipophyl - oil loving and water resistant. The reason for this are these hydrocarbon chains which is also typical for soaps. A classic soap is a long chain of hydrocarbon with a carboxylic acid group which acts like an ester here. We hydrolyze this and then the Sodium salt of this, is a classic soap.With the letters DSCP a molecule with a very polar head group and very un-polar rest chain. This reacts very well with water (hydrophyl). As a total the molecule is neutral but we do have 2 ionen and one cation, Ammonium cation and a phosphate anion. The chains like tolayer and like with other soaps we have here head groups that interact with water. Water will stay away from this lower part, but is very receptive of the top part. DSCP and ALC0159 could be used as tenside, wash active bond, they would be too expensive, they are a bit more complex. We can thus imagine, with here the DSCP and here the ALC0159 which want to layer with their long chains ; inbetween there are these (steroid) better known as cholesterol, in fact cholesterine, and these 3 molecules form the 2 nanometer shell. They are in contact with the inside, the oil drop, containing the mRNA, ALC315 and cholesterol. The ALC0159 has here on the side a very long side chain, here is NN=45 (oxygen and 2 CH2 groups) appears about 50 times so, very long, and in contact with water, which means it can make water bridges - this is a polyethylen glycol side chain with a thickness of 4 nanometer. What now with that soap? When you clean oil with soap, you will also have a central oily part, and then the lipophyle side chains, and on the outside the water-loving part, which makes the soap water soluble. How many molecules do we have here?In the center we have the modified RNA at a rate of 30 microgramALC315 430 microgramfrom the amount you can tell that this is the most important molecule190 microgram cholesteroland although only on the outside, ALC0159 50 microgramDSCP phospholipid 90 microgramVery interesting is that the ALC315 is the only agent that really wraps around the modRNA What the interaction is between all these ingredients we will see in part 2 We have water on the outside, then a layer of water-free and also the inside is almost completely water-free. Except for the water molecule in the polar MRNA The interacting in the molecule mix we will see in next video.
Part 2in this second part of the chemistry of medicines we discuss again the new developed anti-covid products based on modRNA technics. In the first part we saw the rough structure of the nano particles which make up the larger part of the vaccines. We know the detail from the work of prof Tobias. so what have we seen in the former hour - we have a nucleus (Kern, center) nano particle from about 40 nanometer, maybe a bit larger. Inside is the modRNA, carrying the genetic information and this modRNA is packed in a molecule ALC315. There is also some cholesterol. We should imagine this center according to prof Unru as being fluid. We have an inside shell, 2 nanometer, lipophile, and an outside shell, 4 nanometer in diameter, hydrophile. Which molecules are responsible for these shells was also discussed in a former video. Now we will look at the molecular interactions with the modRNA. We have an RNA molecule - a very long chain with phosphate groups lined up on the nucleotide. Hier are the 4 classic nucleotide but with the modified RNA comes here another nucleotide namely the nmethyl pseudouridin (for this addition the nobel prize was given) it changes the characteristics. It changes the stability. This will also be caused by the fact that normally we have here a Hydrolyse sensitive No Acetal but here it is a clean ETgroup which is of course more stable.The length of the string is about 4500 nucleotide. This very long string can fold up because of the interaction between the molecules, hydrogen bonds. De molecule also carries always some Hydratwater. How can this now fit into this lipophile center? for this the ALC315 is responsible. This is describes as a cationish lipid (which it is not, but it is very little short of being a cationish lipid and we could easily make it that)The tertiair amine here at this spot should only be protonized. Then we get an Ammoniumsalt and when we get the water out we have Ammonium Hydroxid.We can compare this molecule with an octopus - in the center is the tertiair amin, then the ammonium salt, which will bind electrostatically to the phosphate groupsof the backbone of the molecule, and here a relative strong hydrogene re-bond. Here we have a tentacle with a OH group, which is also polar and can re-bond with H. and will associate with one of the polar groups here. Further we have also Ester functions on the longer pieces of the 'tentacle' ; these are dipole, hydrogen bonds acceptors and they will orientate them along the polar groups.So here is the octopus - the snout bites into the phosphate backbone, the polar groups act like suction cups on the T tentacles, not as strong as the NH bridge,but they still will hook themselves reversible somewhere. Then we still have these lipophile pieces on the tentacles, which should really not be this close to the polar groups. They should go towards the outside. Now imagine how many of these ALC315 molecules are available, 430 microgram of ALC315 and only 30 of the modRNA, so everywhere these molecules associate and cover the modRNA with their lipophile tentacles outwards - so inside hydrophyl and outside lipophyl. This fits with the lipophyle cholesterol which sits in the center of the molecule also.to recap - the modRNA enclosed in the outwards oriented lipophyle ALC315, the inside shell which is outwards hydrophyl and inwards lipophyl and this whole system is then water soluble.thanks for watching
The first Video was a satirical project of scientists. They wanted to show how idiotic the measures were. Nobody listened. They were just ignored. To understand satire and ironie you need a certain degree of intelligence.
So he tried from the beginning, to stop that in the ways that were open to him.
unfortunately no one listened, not to the serious warnings, not to satire, not to memes. I have forwarded numerous memes to friends - nothing.
looks like a total mess. Not a chemist, but your summary of the articles does not sound good for all those injected with these unknown products. Thank you for sharing